Thursday, 2 May 2013


This was a cover that i started to work on but did not continue with, it felt like it was lacking the theme of innocence that runs through out the book. The Bird was to sinister looking.
This cover was simply a mockingbird in the tree.

The bird was drawn in photoshop and then i changed the grey background to black, i was originally going to have a black frame around the book which at the top two branches with the bird sat on them.

To kill a mockingBird

 Originally when the task was set i began to read the Hunger Games, trying to seperate the book from the film (as i had just watched it) was very difficult. I decided to read To kill a MockingBird instead.
Although it is a hard read, i enjoyed creating the cover for this book.
Below is the first cover
I then mocked it up onto a book ready for my group crit session

The outcome of the group crit was a very positive one, i had achieved a strong book cover that looks like it could be published. I felt the back of the book was too plain, although it worked well with the subtle front cover i wanted to do something else with the cover. Below is the outcomes
This was what i came up with first, i felt that you lost the text in the back cover, it needed to be darker so the white writing would stand out. i want easy to read text.
This is my final outcome for the book, i was not sure if the back cover would work as the plain back gave it a strong look but i managed to achieve a much stronger book cover.